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Monday, March 28, 2016

Favorite February Releases!

At Clash of the Titles we make things easy for book lovers everywhere--including handpicking new releases we know you'll love. This week, we present five of Christian fiction's hottest new titles. Surely, one of them will be the right fit for you. 

Introducing, February's New Releases clashing novels...

Don't forget to vote for the one that most catches your interest!

Will the quest for gold tear the Connor family apart?


He receives a diagnosis that alters the course of his life; she is an ICU nurse on the verge of burnout. Faith doesn't come easy for either.


When a pregnant widow returns from the mission field, family and friends rally to help. However she harbors a secret that threatens her relationship with God and may lead to her spiritual downfall.


Two women engineers race the clock to build the world’s first nuclear-powered aircraft amid the backdrop of sabotage and murder, and while trying to deal with their own muddled personal lives.


Unwilling to deal with his cancer prognosis, Dr. Steven Moore retreats to a happier time in his past—to the woman who once stole his heart, never suspecting she might offer hope for his future.


Cast your vote below. Winner announced next Thursday, March 31!

Create your own user feedback survey

Friday, March 25, 2016

Talking Love with Lisa Lickel

From the time boys became more than “tag” targets I was never without someone of the opposite sex to hang out with, call on the phone, escort me to dances or movies, even when Mom was the chauffeur. I was a drama queen flirt, histrionic friend, and disingenuous church group groupie. I’d love to say it changed in an instant when as a middle teen the Holy Spirit provided the answer to that infinite question of whether Christ was for real. Decades later, I am still working out who I am on many levels. That story won’t get the final edit until it’s over.

In between, I went to college and joined not one, but two Christian groups, fell in love with the music, studying anything and everything, and the boy with the wispy blond mustache and highwater pants from one of the faith groups who prayed with me for John Denver’s soul. Seriously. We won’t know for a while if poor John received the benefit of our intervention. When the mustached boy didn’t run screaming after meeting my family for the first time when we got snowed in and ate turkey three days in a row, and his dad laughed in good humor when I dropped and broke dishes on the way from the table to the sink the first time I met his folks, I knew things would work out fine.

Two grown up children and an odd assortment of grands—girls, boys, and kitties—later, life is full circle as our oldest son heeded the call to seminary and now serves as area director for the many branches of the campus faith organization his dad and I attended. Son number two followed in his father’s footsteps, attempting to encourage a better world through public education. “Love is not proud” is not an easy description to avoid when it comes to introducing family.

Love has shown me all the attention I need has always surrounded me, filled me, poured out of me in ways I don’t have to control or manipulate, or understand. The Lord of life is in charge. My job is to leave behind a story that boasts only of God’s great mercy and grace exemplified in what He has done for me.

Check out Lisa’s contribution to Prism Book Group’s new Love Is series…


Everything About You

“Love is not proud…” 1 Corinthians: 13:4

She needs a movie set miracle, he needs cash...can a farmer morph into a movie star in five days?

If Shelly has her way, Danny will become America’s next heartthrob and she’ll get her own promotions company. He’s already gorgeous, a little naive, and needs to work on that accent. To Danny, Shelly is on the pompous side, but holds the key to his real dreams...if he can figure out all the rules, say the right things for the daily vlog session, keep his heart strings in place, dodge Shelly’s vicious former boyfriend and the movie star diva.

Shelly’s about to lose a lot more than her heart if she can’t get a handle on her wounded pride and learn who to trust.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Featuring "Dressed for Death"

A regency-era costume party should be no more than an amusing diversion, but it seems, wherever Drew Farthing goes, mystery — and murder — are on the guest list.

Drew and Madeline Farthering arrive at a Regency-Era house party at Winteroak House, excited to be reunited with old friends, including Drew’s former Oxford classmate Talbot Cummins. Tal is there with his fiancée, Alice Henley, and though many present seem worried about the couple, nobody is prepared when Alice dies from an apparent overdose. Tal refuses to believe she’d taken the drugs intentionally, and a dark question arises of whether the death is an accident or murder. The police have their own information though, and Drew is shocked when they arrest someone he’s trusted and admired since his childhood—someone who’s been smuggling drugs into the country for years. Stunned by what has happened, Tal begs Drew to get to the bottom of everything, but Drew’s never felt more unsettled. Questioning his own ability to see people as they really are, Drew doesn’t know who to trust, and he’s not ready for the secrets he’s about to uncover—or the danger he’ll bring down on everyone he holds dear. 


About the author:

JULIANNA DEERING has always been an avid reader and a lover of storytelling, whether on the page, the screen or the stage. This, along with her keen interest in history and her Christian faith, shows in her tales of love, forgiveness and triumph over adversity. A fifth-generation Texan, she makes her home north of Dallas with three spoiled cats and, when not writing, spends her free time quilting, cross stitching and watching NHL hockey.

Monday, March 14, 2016

New Contemporary Release: Grace in the Flames -- Giveaway

Debut Release by Michelle Massaro:

Grace in the Flames

"I couldn't put it down, consider yourself warned."
~ Amazon reviewer

About the book:

Three people. One God of grace.

John Douglas thought he knew the future God had for him--raise a family and grow old with his bride, Hannah. But then a deadly house fire incinerates his faith, destroying the man he’d been.

Worship leader Jenni Dupont conquered her demons years ago and has the scars to prove it. But temptation strikes when her world is shattered, and this time she's not sure if God can carry her through.

Bar waitress April Johanson lives with the secret trauma of an abusive past. Desperate to stay off the streets of Vegas, she’ll do whatever is necessary to pay the rent.

When their lives intersect, God will ask them to do the impossible. To love Him even if…


>>Buy on Amazon<<

What readers are saying:
  • "intense"
  • "I was hooked from the first chapter"
  • "outstanding debut novel"
  • "couldn't put it down"


Tweet or otherwise post online about the book with the Amazon link ( be entered to receive a free digital copy of the book. (suggested tweetables provided at end of this post.) Then, share a link to your post in the comments section of this blog, and tell me what your favorite Easter tradition or song is. Mine: The End of the Beginning (David Phelps)... chills every time!

Michelle, what made you write this story?

The story premise came to me as I was just pondering my faith, asking myself how deep does it go, would it survive if truly challenged? The characters wrestle with some of life's toughest questions—How could God let this happen to me? Where is God when my heart is breaking? I believe in God, but my hurt is so big I’m not sure He’s enough. These are all thoughts that I've encountered in my life as well.

But even when life is unbearably hard, God is right there placing our tears in a bottle and inviting us into His arms to carry us through. I hope readers come away with a better sense of that truth when they read Grace in the Flames.

What's next?

I’m about to release my second novel, a fun dual-genre story I co-wrote with the amazing April W Gardner called Better than Fiction. It’s a Women’s fiction wrapped around a historical romance set in 1916 Corona during the height of its auto racing glory. The short description is:
While creating a fictional romance between her 1916 heroine and a reckless racecar driver, a novelist falls prey to an emotional affair with the man who inspires her handsome hero.
Corona, California is my hometown and it’s been a blast to dig into our rich history. The release will coincide with the town’s 100th anniversary of the final race, and we are so excited! We have a Facebook page set up for the book: and will be offering a free digital copy to subscribers, so check that out, too!


About the Author:

MICHELLE MASSARO writes contemporary fiction soaked in grace. She makes her home in Southern California with her husband of over two decades and their four children. She’s dabbled in homeschooling, teaching Creation Science, and leading worship. When she isn’t tinkering with words, Michelle enjoys old Rogers and Hammerstein movies, making kefir, and Sudoku. A new lipstick and a good French roast always make her happy.

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"I was hooked from the first chapter" Check out Grace in the Flames! #NewRelease #ChristianFiction

 "intense" Grace in the Flames is now in the #Kindle store!

"couldn't put it down" ~ check out new #Christian #novel Grace in the Flames!

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

February Release Champion!!

Let's hear it for this week's clash winner, A WORTHY HEART! Way to go, Susan! 

Here's what her readers are saying:

A Worthy Heart by Susan Anne Mason is on the already at the top of my TBR!!

Love love love Susan Mason books! Can't wait for the next one!

Susan Anne Mason's historical fiction has well developed stories and fascinating characters. I hate it when they end! 

On top of the beautiful stories in Susan Anne Mason's Courage to Dream series, they are also some of the most intriguing and gorgeous book covers. I'm very excited to read the second book in this series.

As her readers know, there's so much more to this book than an intriguing blurb and a beautiful picture on the front. Let's peek behind the cover and learn a little more about it.

Susan, what was your inspiration for this book?

I guess the loose inspiration was the biblical story of the prodigal son. Adam personifies the prodigal son who betrays his father with a life of sin and returns home with nothing, willing to work at the lowest job in the stables. Yet unlike the prodigal son in the Bible, Adam is not met with joy from his father, but rather anger and distrust — which puts a whole new spin on the story. And, of course, adds great conflict!

Talk about the theme. What can readers hope to learn from reading this novel? 

I believe the theme is worthiness. Adam struggles with feelings of unworthiness because of his past mistakes. During his prison stay, the prison chaplain rekindles Adam’s faith and allows him to believe he is a worthy child of God. Even so, Adam’s main goal upon his release from prison is to prove his worthiness to his mother and father in order to earn back their respect. Once he meets Maggie, however, he longs to be worthy of her heart, a goal that seems impossible given all the obstacles in their way. 

Interested? Here's the full description:

The answer to Maggie Montgomery's dream of seeing America has arrived at just the right time. Not only will she be reunited with her beloved brother Rylan, but she'll finally be able to escape Neill Fitzgerald and his increasingly unwanted attentions. She's intent on never returning to Ireland, hoping to build her future in the land of opportunity and perhaps find the love of her life.

While visiting Irish Meadows, she meets an intriguing man she thinks is a stable hand. Only when her brother demands she stay away from Adam O'Leary does she learn he's Rylan's brother-in-law, recently released from prison. Nonetheless, Maggie can't seem to make her stubborn heart conform to her brother's request.

Adam O'Leary has never felt worthy of his place in the family. Now a free man, Adam's only desire is to earn back his family's trust. Falling in love with the newly arrived Maggie, however, was never in his plans. Despite everyone's efforts to keep them apart, the two develop a bond it seems nothing can break--but they soon discover the past isn't easy to overcome.


Susan Anne Mason describes her writing style as “romance sprinkled with faith.” She loves incorporating inspirational messages of God’s unconditional love and forgiveness into her characters’ journeys. A Worthy Heart is her second historical novel in the Courage to Dream series. Irish Meadows won the Fiction from the Heartland contest sponsored by the Mid-American Romance Authors chapter of RWA. 

Susan lives outside Toronto, Ontario, with her husband, two children, and two cats. She loves red wine and chocolate, is not partial to snow even though she’s Canadian, and is ecstatic on the rare occasions she has the house to herself. In addition to writing, Susan likes to research her family history on-line, and occasionally indulges in scrapbooking. Learn more about Susan and her books at

People can contact me through my website:

Or my author page on Facebook:

Book Review: Swept Away (Mary Conneally)

Series: Trouble in Texas, Book 1

Luke Stone is on his way to get his family’s ranch back from the thieving scoundrel who took it over after killing Luke’s pa. Before he reaches his destination, however, he finds a woman. She’s water-logged and bedraggled, sunburned and freckled, red-haired and bossy, and absolutely the busiest woman Luke has ever laid eyes on. 

Ruthie MacNeil is glad to have survived the flash flood that killed her abusive “family.” She’s grateful to have been rescued by the handsome, hard-headed stranger, and only too happy to be whisked away and thrust into a new life--jam-packed with danger and excitement though it definitely is. 

With the help of Luke’s four loyal friends, they set about reclaiming the Stone ranch, rescuing a beautiful battered wife, and falling…well, sort of scrabbling and furiously back pedaling…in love. Mary Connealy delivers a great story line and, as always, a wagonload of belly laughs. Delightful!