Sonia Pettit’s 17-year-old daughter goes missing, Sonia faces losing her mind,
her marriage, and her faith.
Christmases have passed since Sonia Pettit last heard from her daughter Jody.
Since Jody’s departure, Sonia’s world has been turned upside down. Her husband
has died of a broken heart, and her son, bitter over his sister’s destructive
actions, has become rebellious.
greatest desire is to have her family together at Christmas, but after what
Jody has put them all through, can Sonia truly forgive her daughter?
Pettit O’Dair ran away to experience a life of adventure and excitement, but
since her departure, her world has been turned upside down. She’s been
abandoned by the man she met and married, lost her job, and is unable to care
for her two children. With nowhere else to turn, this prodigal daughter begins
the long journey home and prays she will be welcomed after walking away so long
Jody find forgiveness in the arms of her family as easily as she received it
from God?
Kindle Nook ePub/Adobe
Kindle Nook ePub/Adobe
About MaryAnn Diorio:

Dr. MaryAnn Diorio is a widely published, award-winning author who writes riveting, compelling fiction that deals with the deepest issues of the human heart. Her latest novel is THE MADONNA OF PISANO, volume one in the trilogy titled THE ITALIAN CHRONICLES. Book two, A SICILIAN FAREWELL, is scheduled for released December 15, 2016. MaryAnn resides in New Jersey with her husband Dominic of 47 years, a retired Emergency Room physician. They are the blessed parents of two amazing adult daughters, a wonderful son-in-law, and five rambunctious grandchildren. In her spare time, MaryAnn likes to read, paint in oils and acrylic, play the piano, and make up silly songs for her grandchildren. You may reach MaryAnn at www.maryanndiorio.com.
Christmas Homecoming is a well-written, heart-stirring tale of a family dealing
with hurt, heartache, and—ultimately—healing. It’s packed with emotion…the
author is skilled at strumming the heartstrings. As a mother, my heart was torn
for Sonia. Also as a mother, I yearned to pull Jody into my arms and grant her
forgiveness, redemption, and welcome. I wanted to hug Ben hard, and then read
him the riot act for making bad decisions and not showing his mother proper
respect. I confess to being a little disappointed in the ultra-short length of
the book, only because the story contains an abundance of rich detail that
could have been mined a little deeper, as well as great characters who begged for further
development. Lengthening the journey would have made a good, touching story even more
satisfying. Still, this is a great Christmas read that I truly enjoyed and am happy to recommend.
inspired you to write A CHRISTMAS HOMECOMING?
Years ago, a cousin of mine disappeared
from home. To some extent, I witnessed firsthand the wide gamut of emotions
experienced by her immediate family and her extended family. I wanted to write a story to show that
forgiveness alone could bring healing to a broken family.
makes you laugh out loud?
My husband’s jokes. After 47 years of
marriage, I still laugh at his jokes as though I am hearing them for the first
share a verse of scripture that is especially meaningful to you, and why it is
8:32—“And you will know the truth, and the
truth will set you free."
Sad to say, our family went through the experience of a runaway teen. BUT when he called two years later and asked his dad if he could come home, it was a prodigal-son story. I enjoyed the interview questions as much as the review. Good job, ladies.